
Imam Rohhani
Keywords: Error Analysis, Rules, Khaṭ Naskh, Khath

This research aims to analyze and describe errors in the application of Kha Naskh rules made by STAI Ali bin Abi Talib Surabaya students in their Khath course assignments, analyze the factors that cause these errors, and find solutions to overcome the problem of these errors. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with an error analysis theory approach. After observing the assignments carried out by students of Department of Arabic Language Education at STAI Ali bin Abi Talib Surabaya in the Khath course, the researcher found various errors in the Kha Naskh rules. These mistakes often occur and continue to be repeated from one generation to another. Through this research, it is hoped that similar error patterns can be identified so that they can become a point of attention for both lecturers who teach the Khath course and students who will study this course. So that these mistakes can be minimized or even not repeated in the future. The results of this research show that forms of rule errors include 4 things: a) letters that should be above the line but are written below the line, b) letters that should intersect the line but are written above the line, c) errors in forming letters according to the rules, and d) errors in writing the proper vowels. The factors that cause these errors are: a) lack of practice and training, b) errors in holding the pen, c) lack of student attention during learning, and d) lack of student attention regarding writing benchmarks. Then the solution to overcome these errors is: a) increase practice and training, b) explain to students how to hold a pen continuously, c) motivate students to focus on learning, and d) direct students to pay attention to writing guidelines.

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