
Maryono Maryono
Keywords: Ibnu Jama’ah, Educational Environment

This study discusses the concept of educational environment in the perspective of Imam Ibn Jamaah, as outlined in his book, " Tadhkirah al-Sāmi‘ wa al-Mutakallim fī Ādāb al-‘Ālim wa al-Muta‘allim ". This research is a type of library research, with its data sources consisting of documents rather than direct data from their natural environment. The data analysis method employed is content analysis, which involves an in-depth discussion of the content of written information. In this context, the term "environment" refers to the space in which humans exist and develop their potential. In the realm of Islamic education, a conducive environment is one in which activities align with the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger. This study will delve into Ibn Jamaah's perspective on the educational environment as presented in his book. The research findings indicate that there are two aspects related to the educational environment. First, the school environment encompasses: 1) the selection of the best madrasah (school) for learning, 2) the choice of teachers with noble characteristics, 3) careful consideration of the school's situation and conditions, 4) attention to the rights of school pathways, and 5) enthusiasm for attending educational gatherings at the appointed times. Second, the community environment includes: 1) avoiding excessive socializing and interaction, 2) respecting fellow seekers of knowledge and nurturing loving relationships with them, 3) choosing friends who excel in knowledge and religion, and 4) safeguarding one's gaze.

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